of cocoa. So let’s have a look.

10. Togo

Amount Produce: 23 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 0.6%
9. Malaysia

Amount Produce: 30 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 0.9%
8. Dominican Republic

Amount Produce: 47 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 1.4%
7. Ecuador

Amount Produce: 118 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 3.4%
6. Brazil

Amount Produce: 155 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 4.5%
5. Nigeria

Amount Produce: 160 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 4.6%
4. Cameroon

Amount Produce: 175 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 5.0%
3. Indonesia

Amount Produce: 440 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 12.7%
2. Ghana

Amount Produce: 720 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 20.7%
1. Côte d’Ivoire

Amount Produce: 1.3 million tons
Percentage of World Production: 37.4%

10. Togo

Amount Produce: 23 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 0.6%
9. Malaysia

Amount Produce: 30 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 0.9%
8. Dominican Republic

Amount Produce: 47 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 1.4%
7. Ecuador

Amount Produce: 118 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 3.4%
6. Brazil

Amount Produce: 155 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 4.5%
5. Nigeria

Amount Produce: 160 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 4.6%
4. Cameroon

Amount Produce: 175 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 5.0%
3. Indonesia

Amount Produce: 440 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 12.7%
2. Ghana

Amount Produce: 720 thousand tons
Percentage of World Production: 20.7%
1. Côte d’Ivoire

Amount Produce: 1.3 million tons
Percentage of World Production: 37.4%
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