10. Zaire River

Zaire River is also called The Congo river and it is the deepest river in the world. Its depth is in excess of 230 meters. The length of the river is 2716 miles and it flows through the Congo rainforest, the second rainforest area in the world. Congo River discharges a behemoth amount of water at its mouth with average of 41,000 cubic meters per second.
9. Irtysh River

Its name means White River and it is located in Siberia, Russia. It is the main tributary of the Ob River and is the longest river-port in Western Siberia. The main cities which come on the Irtysh from its long journey from source to the mouth are Fuyun (China), Burqin (China), Pavlodar (Kazakhstan) and Tara (Russia). The length of the river is 2758 miles.
8. Parana River

This river is as big as a sea as its name suggests. Parana is an abbreviation of the phrase “para rehe onava” which has its origin in the Tupi language and means “like the sea”. The total estimated length of the river is 2795 miles. It merges with the Paraguay River and then with the Uruguay River to form Rio de la Plata and finally it empties into the Atlantic Ocean.
7. Yenisei River

It is also written as Yenisey and it is the central of the three great Siberian Rivers that flow into the Arctic Ocean. The maximum depth of this river is 24 meters and the average depth is 14 meters. The Russian primary industry counts on this river as many hydroelectric dams have been built on its way. Its estimated length is 2800 miles.
6. Huang Ho

It is the second largest river in China and sixth largest in the world. Its estimated length is about 2900 miles. Huang Ho River is also called The Yellow River and it flows through nine provinces of China and flows into the Bohai Sea at the end. One interesting information for those who love knowing about the origin if different idioms and that is the idiom “when the Yellow river flows clear” has Chinese origin and it is used when referring to something that is never going to happen. For instance, when the Yellow river flows clear, only then we will stop reading articles in tiptopsten.com! – I guess now you will never forget the usage of this idiom.
5. Ob River

It also called Obi and is one of the major rivers in Western Siberia. It ranks among the Russia’s fourth longest river. The estimated length of Ob River is 3459 miles. Ob River has almost 50 different species of fish and is used primarily for irrigation, hydroelectric energy and drinking water.
4. Chang Jiang

It is also called The Yangtze, and it the Asia’s longest river. It is of prime significance to China as it drains China’s one-fifth land area and its river basin is home to one-third of Chinese people. It is a dividing line between North and South China and two regions depict different cultures. Chang Jian contributes to 20% of China’s overall GDP.
3. Mississippi-Missouri-Red Rock

The river system starts in Montana at the Red Rocks River, and then quickly turns into the Jefferson River which then joins with Madison and Gallatin River to form Missouri river. Upon reaching Missouri State, the river joins up with the Mississippi river. This river system serves the purpose of USA’s transportation, industry and recreation. The average length is 3710 miles.
2. Amazon

This river of South America is the second largest river in the world and accounts for approximately one-fifth of the world’s total river. Because of its mammoth dimensions, it is sometimes called The River Sea. Its length is about 3912 miles. More than one-third of all the species in the world live in the Amazon River.
1. Nile

Undoubtedly, it is the world’s longest river and has two major tributaries which are White Nile and Blue Nile. Blue Nile is the source of much of the water as well as brings a great deal of fertility to the river Nile. Nile empties into a large delta that consequently empties into the Mediterranean Sea. Its length is approximately is 4180 miles.
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